How to Enjoy Reading
After reading the title of this article, you may think it is a joke. But trust me, it’s not. This is a serious How-To article and by the time you’re done reading it, you’ll have a few tricks up your sleeve to help you actually enjoy reading. Maybe you want to start reading more because you think it’s good for your brain and that it’s productive, or maybe all your best friends are in a book club and you have FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Whatever the case may be, and no matter how much you currently read (or don’t read), if you want to learn to enjoy reading then you’re in the right place.
Why am I qualified to teach you how to learn to like reading? Because I thoroughly enjoy reading myself, and I’ve loved it for as long as I can remember. Don’t get me wrong, there have been periods of time when it feels more like a chore than anything, and maybe I don’t pick up a book for a few months straight. But, I always get back into it, and to be completely honest, right now I’m on a real kick. I’ve probably read more books in the last 6 months than I have in the last 3 years. What’s my secret? Lucky for you I’m about to share it!
Now, in order to like reading, you do actually have to read (believe it or not). The steps that follow will help you establish a relationship with reading, which should be exciting, regular, and valuable. Ultimately, this is what will help you to enjoy reading.
Step 1: get excited. If you find yourself wanting to read more than you currently do (whether you currently like reading or not), you must get yourself excited to read. This can be easier said than done, and of course, everyone is different. But it is important to genuinely be excited. If you currently hate reading but want to read more, you’re going to have to find some type of motivation to even start. For me personally, I like to bribe myself with a new book. There’s nothing quite like going into a bookstore, browsing around, and treating myself to a brand new book. I don’t know what it is about new books, but I just absolutely love them. I also love growing my collection of books, so every time I buy a new one it’s like a double win. If you don’t think buying a new book will excite you, then I suggest asking a friend for a recommendation. If you know you like a certain genre, this can be helpful, but remember not to limit yourself. If a close friend recommends a book, you may feel more confident that you’ll like it and be more inclined and excited to start reading it. You can also try looking up new releases, sometimes it’s exciting knowing a book is brand new and hot off the press.
Step 2: make it regular. Once you’re excited to start reading more, you’re one step closer to enjoying reading! Step two is going to require some discipline. If you don’t currently really enjoy reading, I’m guessing you don’t dedicate a lot of time to it. Like anything else you want to get better at, you have to do it more often. Don’t freak out, I’m not suggesting you spend every waking minute reading. But start with something. Make a goal and a promise to yourself to set aside some amount of time, such as a few days a week, and stick to it. For me, I try to read for at least 30 minutes every night right before bed (not including weekends). I almost always end up reading for longer than that (time really does start to fly by when you are reading a good book). You don’t have to follow my example of 30 minutes a day. Maybe for you, your goal is to read a certain number of pages, or a chapter, or literally anything else. But set a goal for yourself, and then stick to it. It’s ok to slip up sometimes. I have definitely missed a few days. But don’t fall into the habit of not following through on the promises you make to yourself. So make sure that your goal is realistic. Hopefully, reading will shortly become part of your routine and you wont think twice about doing it.
Step 3: understand its value. Once you get into the routine of reading somewhat frequently, even if it’s only 10 pages a day, you’re ready for step 3. This step is where you actually start to thoroughly enjoy reading. To enjoy reading, you have to appreciate books. What do I mean by this? You must understand a book’s value. Books can be valuable for so many reasons, and these reasons can be different for different readers. Some appreciate books for the knowledge it gives them. Some appreciate books for the escape it provides them from their day to day lives. Some appreciate books for the emotions they provoke and the way the storyline makes them feel – even after the book is over. For some, reading is stress relief, for others it’s entertainment, or motivational, or inspiring, or it’s increasing their creativity or their communication skills. Reading can be something different for everyone. But it always has value, and if you want to enjoy reading, you have to figure out what makes reading valuable to you.
Why am I qualified to teach you how to learn to like reading? Because I thoroughly enjoy reading myself, and I’ve loved it for as long as I can remember. Don’t get me wrong, there have been periods of time when it feels more like a chore than anything, and maybe I don’t pick up a book for a few months straight. But, I always get back into it, and to be completely honest, right now I’m on a real kick. I’ve probably read more books in the last 6 months than I have in the last 3 years. What’s my secret? Lucky for you I’m about to share it!
Now, in order to like reading, you do actually have to read (believe it or not). The steps that follow will help you establish a relationship with reading, which should be exciting, regular, and valuable. Ultimately, this is what will help you to enjoy reading.
Step 1: get excited. If you find yourself wanting to read more than you currently do (whether you currently like reading or not), you must get yourself excited to read. This can be easier said than done, and of course, everyone is different. But it is important to genuinely be excited. If you currently hate reading but want to read more, you’re going to have to find some type of motivation to even start. For me personally, I like to bribe myself with a new book. There’s nothing quite like going into a bookstore, browsing around, and treating myself to a brand new book. I don’t know what it is about new books, but I just absolutely love them. I also love growing my collection of books, so every time I buy a new one it’s like a double win. If you don’t think buying a new book will excite you, then I suggest asking a friend for a recommendation. If you know you like a certain genre, this can be helpful, but remember not to limit yourself. If a close friend recommends a book, you may feel more confident that you’ll like it and be more inclined and excited to start reading it. You can also try looking up new releases, sometimes it’s exciting knowing a book is brand new and hot off the press.
Step 2: make it regular. Once you’re excited to start reading more, you’re one step closer to enjoying reading! Step two is going to require some discipline. If you don’t currently really enjoy reading, I’m guessing you don’t dedicate a lot of time to it. Like anything else you want to get better at, you have to do it more often. Don’t freak out, I’m not suggesting you spend every waking minute reading. But start with something. Make a goal and a promise to yourself to set aside some amount of time, such as a few days a week, and stick to it. For me, I try to read for at least 30 minutes every night right before bed (not including weekends). I almost always end up reading for longer than that (time really does start to fly by when you are reading a good book). You don’t have to follow my example of 30 minutes a day. Maybe for you, your goal is to read a certain number of pages, or a chapter, or literally anything else. But set a goal for yourself, and then stick to it. It’s ok to slip up sometimes. I have definitely missed a few days. But don’t fall into the habit of not following through on the promises you make to yourself. So make sure that your goal is realistic. Hopefully, reading will shortly become part of your routine and you wont think twice about doing it.
Step 3: understand its value. Once you get into the routine of reading somewhat frequently, even if it’s only 10 pages a day, you’re ready for step 3. This step is where you actually start to thoroughly enjoy reading. To enjoy reading, you have to appreciate books. What do I mean by this? You must understand a book’s value. Books can be valuable for so many reasons, and these reasons can be different for different readers. Some appreciate books for the knowledge it gives them. Some appreciate books for the escape it provides them from their day to day lives. Some appreciate books for the emotions they provoke and the way the storyline makes them feel – even after the book is over. For some, reading is stress relief, for others it’s entertainment, or motivational, or inspiring, or it’s increasing their creativity or their communication skills. Reading can be something different for everyone. But it always has value, and if you want to enjoy reading, you have to figure out what makes reading valuable to you.
Remember, it is important to combine all three of these steps. It’s possible to read often but not enjoy it, just as it’s possible to be excited about a new book only to read one chapter and be bored of it. It’s also possible to realize the value in it but not be able to find enough time to actually sit down and do it. By using all of these steps you will be able to establish a relationship with reading and you will certainly like reading more than you previously did. Thanks for reading!
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