Is Kindle Unlimited Worth the Price?

Good afternoon fellow bookworms! Today I’m going to be answering a question that a lot of people ask me. It is a question that I myself wondered about when I first got my Amazon Kindle. The question is: is Kindle Unlimited really worth the price?
            To answer this, we first must understand what Kindle Unlimited is. According to Amazon, it is a subscription service (which costs $9.99 per month) that gives you access to over 2 million books. The subscription also includes thousands of audio books and several magazines. You can read as much as you want with no limits and you can read on any device (not just your kindle!). Sounds pretty cool, right?
            But, is it worth $9.99 a month? For me personally, I would say yes. I can’t remember the last time I purchased a single book for under $10, let alone got unlimited access to millions of them for that price. The way I see it, as long as I read at least one book per month from Kindle Unlimited, it was worth the money. I Also love that I don’t have to go anywhere to obtain the book; I can be sitting on my couch, standing in line at the grocery store, or be just about anywhere else, and I can instantly download a new book for free and start reading. It’s so convenient!
            I will say, Kindle Unlimited doesn’t solve all my reading needs. Of course, not every book is available on Kindle Unlimited, so I do still find myself purchasing books from time to time. But I’m just fine with that because I do like to grow my collection of paperbacks.
            Want to learn more? Check out this blog post on Hooked to Books by Forrest Webber that compares Kindle Unlimited to Prime Reading. Even I learned something new from Webber’s post, I had no idea Prime Reading was free if you have an Amazon Prime account. I will definitely be taking advantage of that now! I hope you learned something new as well and as always, thanks for reading!


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