Interview with a Bookworm

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow bookworm, who also happens to be one of my best friends. She is a 22 year old college student just like me, but she’s majoring in secondary education and literature. I really trust her book recommendations and I loved getting to hear her answers to these questions. I hope you guys enjoy this dialogue!

What's your all-time favorite book and why?
    I have so many favorite books, I always get stumped on how I should answer this question. Lately, I have enjoyed reading young adult graphic novels. The Magic Fish written and illustrated by Trung Le Nguyen is a beautiful story of love, family, identity and finding the words to speak your truth using fairy tales. Tien and his immigrant parents are navigating life together in America. Tien reads his mother stories of love, loss, and travel to help improve her English all while trying to come out to his parents in a way that they will understand and accept him. 

If you want to purchase this bookworm's favorite book, you can click here.

What are some books you're wanting to read soon?
I have so many on my list, but these titles are the most recently added.
It Ends With Us By: Colleen Hoover
Girl A By: Abigail Dean 
Ain’t Burned All The Bright By: Jason Reynolds Illustrator: Jason Griffin  

What's one book you've read recently that you didn't enjoy as much as you thought you would? 
    I have recently read Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors written by Susan Sontag. Two essays exploring how the metaphors and myths surrounding certain illnesses, especially cancer, add greater stress and suffering to patients. I found her writing to be slightly hard to follow. She brings up intriguing ideas throughout both essays, but much of it left me with unanswered questions.


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